Join the monthly celebration of our community (the Sangha), meet dedicated meditators from different countries, and engage in meaningful discussions.

The meetings are 100% Dāna-based, with an attitude of radical inclusion, and without any participation fee.

We meet on the last Saturday of every month via Zoom for two sessions, each of them one hour long, separated by a seven-minute break.

We dedicate the first session to our newest friends, inviting them to share their experiences and challenges in meditation and daily life. In the second session, those who already participated in our Meditation Adventures or past activities do the same.

The meetings are also an opportunity to ask questions about The Playful Path, The Mind Illuminated, The Elephant Path, Buddhist wisdom, and our group - Mind Muar.

The Israeli time zone (UTC +2) sets the meeting time - Saturday, 19:00 (7 pm)



I’m curious to hear your story and would love to get to know you and your aspirations.

Let’s have a free, friendly, one-on-one Zoom meeting at your preferred time:

I look forward to seeing you soon! - Oded Raz | The Adventure’s Leader