The Meditation Adventure
The Summer Adventure
July 7th
Participation Fee: $720
Should you wish to participate in the Adventure but are struggling to do so for financial reasons, reach out to Oded to find solutions and hear about our scholarship program.
Our international group is dedicated to meditating and training the mind with the explicit goal of reaching complete liberation from all suffering, also called "Awakening" or "Enlightenment."
We invite you to join our Meditation Adventure - a well-structured mind-training program inspired by the book "The Mind Illuminated" for promoting your meditative practice and accelerating your liberation.
The Main Features of the Adventure:
Intensive Meditative Practice
Three months, 12 weekly online Zoom meetings, consistent daily meditation, 3-7 days of international retreat, and the attentive guidance of an awakened teacher, supporting and tracking your progress.Mastering the Meditation Technique
12 online classes, over 50 hours of recorded classes, original new techniques & skillful means, supportive Buddhist wisdom & neuroscience, and 8 bi-weekly personal interviews with the teacher, forming a clear path to Awakening.Supportive Intimate Sangha (up to 9 members)
Direct human connection (in a group and one-on-one), over 30 hours of sharing challenges and experiences, a Buddy System, countless opportunities for Q&A, open discussions, and 24/7 activity on our Discord server.
Oded Raz (that’s me) is the teacher leading the Adventures.
I’m the founder of the meditation group Mind Muar and a student of Culadasa. I’ve been teaching and developing training programs for groups and individuals professionally for over two decades. Click here to read more.
The Summer Adventure | July 7th
The Triple Gem
Mind Muar offers all Three Gems of Buddhism in which to take refuge:
The Wisdom of the Dharma
The Support of our Dedicated Sangha
The Guidance of Awakened Teachers to reveal your inner Buddha
Commitment to Diligence
Mind Muar is an awakening-oriented meditation group for meditators serious about liberating themselves from suffering. To promote our awakening, we all commit to taking the necessary measures for every Adventure:
Make meditation a priority
Establish a daily practice
Regularly attend the weekly Sangha meetings
Offer compassionate support to fellow Elephant Tamers
If you have a sense of spiritual urgency (Saṃvega) and you're willing to place Right Effort and work diligently for your liberation, we'd be happy to have you with us.
The Meditative Practice
Solid Traditional Foundations
The Mind Illuminated by Culadasa
The Elephant Path by Asanga
The Eightfold Noble Path by Gautama the Buddha
Clear Training Path
The Playful Path by Oded Raz
The Playful Path is a practical mind-training plan inspired by The Mind Illuminated and the work of Culadasa (John Yates, Ph.D., Oded Raz's teacher). It builds upon TMI’s core instructions and expands them, adding structure, clarity, and insight to the training process.
The Summer Adventure | July 7th
Meeting Times
The group meets via Zoom every Sunday. Israel sets the meeting time as described in the timetable. International times may vary due to Daylight Saving Time.
NOTE: If you're unable to participate on Sundays or prefer a solo experience, you can embark on a Private Adventure. This option includes all the elements of a Meditation Adventure except for the online group meetings.
The Israeli time zone (UTC +2) sets the meeting time - Saturday, 19:00 (7 pm)
Adventurers visiting or living in Israel may join an additional face-to-face meditation meeting, held every Tuesday at 19:15 in the city of Ramat-Gan (a walking distance from Tel-Aviv).
The Meeting’s Structure
The Sunday Zoom meeting is comprised of four separate sessions:
The Adventure Structure
Each Adventure divides the ongoing journey we take to liberation into discrete time frames. We hold three Adventures a year, each spanning over three months:
The Adventure begins with the self-introductions of all Adventurers taking the journey. We all start the path together, walk it together, and complete it together as one cohesive Sangha. New friends who wish to join us could do so as the next Adventure begins, not midstream.
Online Group Meditations
As an integral part of every Sunday meeting, we meditate together in silence for 60 minutes, with no spoken guidance. A bell rings every 20 minutes as a possible resting or adjustment point. Our cameras remain open for us to maintain a sense of closeness as we each practice diligently according to our personal location on The Elephant Path and The Playful Path. We sit with strong determination (Adhiṭṭhāna): eyes closed and movement kept to a minimum.
Consistent Daily Practice
You can meditate independently or with other Adventurers in parallel.
In each adventure, we hold well-planned weekly classes that offer an orderly explanation of the various stages of the meditation technique, the workings of the mind, and the path leading to enlightenment and liberation from all suffering. The covered material may include Buddhist Wisdom, Meditative Guidance, Neuroscience, and additional information supporting our progress.
Questions & Answers
Regardless of the subjects chosen for our classes, we hold open discussions on various topics. You may ask the teacher anything you like and receive an in-depth response. Since we are a Sangha of peers, your fellow Adventurers may offer additional support to enrich the conversation with their unique perspectives, and so can you.
Sharing Experiences
First and foremost, Mind Muar is a Sangha of devoted practitioners. We all know each other and care for one another. Therefore, we dedicate the vast majority of our Zoom meetings to sharing the experiences and challenges we face, both in meditation and in daily life, viewing them through the lenses of Western thought and Eastern wisdom.
International Retreat
We conclude every Adventure by holding an international meditation retreat, an opportunity to practice everything we’ve learned and climb up the path further than ever before. Ideally, the retreat is seven days long. Adventurers with limited availability may take a shorter retreat, and those without past experience of self-retreats meditate for three days only. The retreat includes silent meditations, walking meditations, private interviews, Dharma talks, and more.
Built-In Support
Every Adventure features additional means of support to extend the meditative experience to daily life beyond our weekly meetings:
Regular Bi-Weekly Interviews
To make sure we all make the most out of our efforts and that none of us is left behind, each of us will have built-in bi-weekly interviews with the teacher (eight interviews in total). In these private interviews, you may share your experience, provide feedback, and receive guidance and support according to the exact state of your meditative practice. To enjoy even closer care, you may add Personal Consultations at times of your choosing.
Progress Tracking
Every Adventure includes means for tracking your progress. They help you build a sense of achievement, increase your motivation, sharpen your alertness to the nature of the process, and allow the teacher to offer you support from a knowledgeable standpoint.
Past Recordings
In its years of activity, Mind Muar gathered dozens of past recorded classes. These videos allow everyone to master their topics and are freely available for Adventurers to watch and listen to at their own discretion. We also provide recommendations for various sources of supporting content by third-party creators.
Throughout the Adventure, you may choose to have a series of one-on-one meetings called “Dyads” with your fellow Adventures. The Dyads allow us to know each other better, create a closer bond, and receive new perspectives on the insights and challenges of the path.
Buddy System
Some people prefer working alone, and that’s OK. For those who thrive in pairs, we offer the option of joining our Buddy System - a means of ensuring success on a daily basis. As the Adventure begins, you’ll meet your Buddy - a fellow Adventurer with whom you’ll keep regular contact. The two of you will support each other in the challenge of maintaining a daily practice, offer an open ear and a helping hand, and make sure you meet your needs and objectives beyond the group dynamics.
Discord Server
On our Discord server, we sustain multiple private forums for receiving updates, sharing content, asking questions, and communicating with fellow Adventurers between sessions. The server also allows us to keep in touch with former members of Mind Muar and aspiring new Elephant Tamers worldwide.
We’re committed to perpetual improvement by frequently encouraging our members to provide their input and feedback. We’re always mindful and alert to what we may change for the better and what should be wise to preserve. Your thoughts and suggestions are considered a gift; feel free to express them.
The Summer Adventure | July 7th
Let’s Chat!
I’m curious to hear your story and would love to get to know you and your aspirations.
Let’s have a free, friendly, one-on-one Zoom meeting at your preferred time:
I look forward to seeing you soon! - Oded Raz | Meditation Teacher